What We Do
May 2022 - Pig Lessons Taught to 2,000 Iowa 4th Graders
Sep. 2023 - The LEAP Foundation receives a Lilly Endownment Grant
4/22/2022 - FFA members work with young students to increase ag literacy
12/2/2021 - Pigs in the classroom help agriculture students learn
11/22/2021 - Tyrone FFA Members Teach Kids about Pork Production
8/17/2021 - Overton FFA: ‘There’s a Pig in My Classroom’
8/11/2021 - Valley Ag Today with Celya Glowacki from FFA
8/4/2021 - FFA Chapters Share Agriculture Education with Local Schools
8/3/2021 - FFA chapters connect with elementary schools to share ag
Summer 2021 - Belstra Milling Strengthens Commitment to Feed Hungry NWI Neighbors
5/10/2021 - Learn from a Pig in the Classroom
9/11/2020 - Belstra Milling's LEAP Foundation rolls out new educational program
4/13/2020 - Belstra’s steps up pork donations during pandemic
4/7/2020 - Governor Praises Farmers for their Generosity during COVID-19 Pandemic
4/28/2022 - Iowa Pork Producers Association | There's A Pig In My Classroom